
Historical building

It was the home of the illustrious Ibarreño Pedro Moncayo y Esparza; writer, politician, journalist, historian. The house preserves the Traditional Architecture of the beginning twentieth century, that emphasize its central courtyard, lateral and wide corridors.
It is located on Calle Vicente Rocafuerte and Pedro Moncayo (corner) and its construction date from the early twentieth century. Restored and destined only for cultural use.
Inside there are modest antique furniture, a piano, a bust of Pedro Moncayo in the courtyard, replicas of the testament of Pedro Moncayo, birth certificate and books written by Pedro Moncayo (The Ecuador of 1825-1875, volumes I and II) , copy of newspaper El Quiteño Libre and a painting of the facade of the house of Pedro Moncayo made by Martha de Noboa.

Address: Vicente Rocafuerte y Pedro Moncayo

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra