We started in the Rumiñahui Neigborhood of Quito, in December 1985 with a small seafood business of manaba gastronomy. Our first clients baptized us as: "Los Cebiches de la Rumiñahui" name that we adopted with affection and pride until nowdays.
Currently, we have 42 stores: 28 in Quito, 3 in Guayaquil, 2 in Ibarra, 1 in Cuenca, 2 in Riobamba , 2 in Ambato, 1 in Otavalo, 1 in Atuntaqui, 1 in Tulcan and 1 in Pasto-Colombia, each one of them with the same quality and control.
We are the first seafood chain and we represent the tradition of the manaba cuisine. The quality controls of the products of the sea, as well as of the conditions of hygiene in the elaboration of each plate are the guarantee for the palate and the health of our clients.
Address: Victor Gómez Jurado 2-51 y Abelardo Morán
Phone: 2630621
Phone: 0967145860
Email: e-82nabell@hotmail.com