El Hornero Pizzeria

Four colleagues and friends, two Ecuadorians and two Uruguayans, decided to invest in Ecuador's prosperous 1970s. The Uruguayans longing for their famous pizza convinced the others to give life to the first Hornero, with the best Master of Montevideo.

Don Luis Alberto Cardozo, who arrived here and dedicated his life to this adventure. Now, his remains rest in this beautiful land. We are 36 years old and in honor and gratefulness to your constancy, from now on, you bring the wine of your preference to toast with us, without cost of uncorking.

Address: Heleodoro Ayala y José Tobar

Phone: 2605500

Phone: 09998375527

Email: fabyvalarezo@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.pizzeriaelhornero.com.ec/

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra