Ajaví Hotel

No. of Rooms: 55, Capacity: 150 pax, Category: First
Services: Accommodation, Restaurant, Ajaví Deli cafeteria, Event Hall, swimming pool, spa.

The Hotel Ajaví was started in 1969; and its construction was completed in 1972, the year of its foundation. The company was the result of the enthusiasm of a group of 12 partners from Imbabura led by Engineer José Luis Nieto Sandoval.

The objective of this society was to provide Ibarra with a first class hotel that could offer spaces for events and that would receive national and foreign tourism.

The services that initially offered were constituted with 38 rooms, hall of events, restaurant, bar, cafeteria and swimming pool

Address: Av. Mariano Acosta 16-38

Phone: 062955555

Phone: 0992335153

Email: reservas@hotelajavi.com

Website: https://hotelajavi.com

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra