traditional gastronomy

Roast lamb has become a gastronomic reference in places such as La Esperanza, Zuleta - Angochagua. The roast lamb route seeks to position itself as one of the attractions of the province.
The aroma of sheep meat cooked over the coals has become common on the Ibarra-Zuleta road, in Imbabura.

Since a year ago, this dish, which would have started as a tourist strategy in the neighboring canton Cayambe in Pichincha, has become popular in this route.

Along the internal road that connects Imbabura with Pichincha, in the southeastern area, there are several places that offer typical food. But the attraction are the new menus, such as roast lamb, trout or grilled chicken. In the menu there are also traditional dishes, such as roasted guinea pig, country chicken broth, yahuarlocro, colada morada with empanadas, among others.

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra