historical precedent

The Villa of San Miguel de Ibarra was founded on September 28, 1606, by Captain Cristobal de Troya, under the order of the president of the Royal Court of Quito, Miguel de Ibarra and under the mandate of King Philip of Spain.

Since that date to nowadays are 415 years. have passed of a beautiful experience of its inhabitants, who have made it the WHITE CITY of Ecuador, with its wonderful expressions of wealth and natural beauty, which have made it an authentic heritage of those who live in it.

It was built in the Carangue valley, in the lands donated by Juana Atabalipa, granddaughter of the Inca Atahualpa, as a necessity to have a city of passage in the Quito - Pasto road and with quick access to the sea; the Sovereign Board of Quito, on November 16, 1811, gave the town of San Miguel de Ibarra the title of city. Later, on November 11, 1829, the liberator, Simón Bolívar, named the city capital of the province.

Its characters, illustrious men and women, sowed the path of successful actions, which make us feel the best pride of being ibarreños and ibarreñas, who know how to love and respect it, while we fill our hearts and souls to establish a commitment to determined and effective work, to reach the highest summit of success.

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra