wood carving

The art of San Antonio de Ibarra began with its precursor Daniel Reyes, who studied at the Escuela Quiteña and discovered his passion for sculpture.
The smell of wood perfumes San Antonio de Ibarra, the aroma escapes from the workshops of sculptors and carvers, who have shaped this small town in the canton of Ibarra.
The articles made by the artisans are a true work of art, each one decorates the homes of nationals and foreigners with a touch of authenticity.

1. Potosi Art Gallery
Location: Bolívar 6-15 y Luis Enrique Cevallos
Contact: Luis Potosí
Phone: 062 932056

2. Manos Libres Art Gallery
Location: Bolívar Street
Contact: 099705054101

3. Asociación de Artesanos Productores de Arte y Artesanías
Location: Francisco Calderón Park
Contact: Miguel Herrera
Phone: 0988606756

4. Centro Innovador Turístico Artesanal
Location: Francisco Calderón Park
Phone: 062 933038

5. Tamia Huarmi Association
Location: Heleodoro Ayala Park
Contact: 0982576887

6. San Antonio de Padua Association
Location: Heleodoro Ayala Park
Contact: 0998833091

designed & created by Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de San Miguel de Ibarra